Meet Lisa Mander, BACYC


Lisa has been working with special needs clients
since 2001, as well as coaching and working with horses since 1975.
Lisa has her International Passport and is also a Licensed Coach with Equestrian Canada

International Passport for Coaching (Equine Canada)
Sr Jumper Judge, R Hunter/Equitation, Provincial GP/J/H (Equine Canada)
Bachelor of Arts Degree of Child and Youth Counselling (Douglas College)
Diploma of Child and Youth Counselling (Douglas College)
Certified Substance Use Counsellor (Justice Institute of BC)
Diploma of Equine Sciences
EAGALA Level 2 Certified
Certified Therapeutic Instructor (CanTRA)
Internationally Certified Riding Coach (British Horse Society)
POPARD Autism Training
Certified Special Educational Assistant
Nationally and Provincially Certified Judge (Equine Canada and Horse Council BC)
Industrial First Aid and Crisis Intervention Training